Jobs and workplaces

Jobs, government careers, employment training and services, financial support, employment standards, workplace safety, labour market information and more

Information and services

Coming to New Brunswick to work

Hire a foreign worker, Mosaïk Program, NB Skilled Worker Stream and more.

Employment preparation and training

Career planning, financial support and more.

Find a job in New Brunswick

Job bank for employers and job seekers.

Labour market and workforce

Labour market information, labour mobility, industrial relations and more.

Regulations and labour laws

Employment standards, workplace safety, resources and more.

Starting your own business and entrepreneurs

Self-employment benefits, initiatives and finds for entrepreneurs and more.

Work for the government or civil service

SEED, government jobs, Future GNB program and more.



WorkingNB employment counsellors assist individuals with career decision making, skills development, and job searches.

Mosaïk Program

Information about GNB Mosaïk, a newcomer hiring program for those not born in New Brunswick.