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Women Femmes NB
le 28 février 2014


  • AVIS



Un appel de candidatures est lancé pour le 27e Prix des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick. La date limite de présentation des candidatures est fixée au 1er avril.

La Commission des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick a créé le prix en vue de reconnaître les efforts, les réalisations et le leadership exceptionnels de personnes ou d'organismes dans la promotion de l'égalité et des droits de la personne au Nouveau-Brunswick, et ce, à titre bénévole.

Le prix a été établi en 1988 pour souligner le 40e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Il est décerné annuellement en vue de souligner la Journée des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick, le 15 septembre.

Le récipiendaire de l'année dernière était John Wood d'Oromocto.

Le formulaire de mise en candidature et de plus amples renseignements sur le processus de nomination sont disponibles sur le site Web de la Commission ou par téléphone au 1-888-471-2233.


Commission des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick http://www.gnb.ca/hrc-cdp/01-f.asp
Le formulaire de mise en candidature du Prix des droits de la personne : http://bit.ly/1ob63ep



Journée internationale des femmes – portes ouvertes à la Direction de l'égalité des femmes, Fredericton - Le grand public est invité à une journée portes ouvertes la Journée internationale des femmes, le vendredi 7 mars 2014, de 10h à midi, aux bureaux de la Direction de l'égalité des femmes, 551 rue King, bureau A, Fredericton. Des rafraîchissements seront servis. Venez rencontrer le personnel, en apprendre davantage au sujet de nos publications & nos programmes, & célébrer cette journée! www.gnb.ca/femmes

Que faites-vous ce 8 mars ? La journée internationale des femmes, célébrée depuis plus de 100 ans. Une occasion de réflexion sur les réalisations et les aspirations des femmes. Dites-nous quels événements vous préparez et nous en ferons la promotion dans ce bulletin et notre site internet :   [email protected] ; 1-877-253-0266; 453-8126; http://bit.ly/objl13

Journée internationale de la femme - La Coalition pour l'équité salariale du N.-B. et le Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick vous invitent à un événement dans le cadre de la Journée internationale de la femme le 8 mars. Sous le thème : « L'égalité pour les femmes, c'est le progrès pour toutes et tous », l'événement se déroulera au Delta Beauséjour à Moncton, de 11 h à 13 h 30 avec brunch servi sur place. Les billets sont en vente au coût de 25 $ chez Reads sur la rue Main et sur le chemin Mountain à Moncton.   Vous pouvez également acheter vos billets en ligne en cliquant l'icône «Faire un don» sur le site   www.rfnb.ca . Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez contacter Chloé Boudreau: [email protected]

Semaine internationale de la femme - 10-15 mars – Retrouvez votre vie authentique, Soirée mère/fille, Étirer pour réussir et des plus autres! Pour reseignements ou pour vous y incrire appelez 422-3352

Le logo et les panélistes de renom du Sommet des femmes sont dévoilés! - Le Congrès mondial acadien 2014 et le Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick (RFNB) ont dévoilé aujourd'hui le logo et les panélistes de renom du prochain Sommet des femmes qui se déroulera lors des festivités de 2014 en Acadie des terres et forêts. Rappelons-nous que le Sommet des femmes aura lieu du 17 au 19 août 2014 à Edmundston sous la thématique. Pour plus d'information ou demande d'entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec : France Le Moignan, coordinatrice des communications CMA 2014 - [email protected] ; Tél.:(506) 737-2014 poste 5436 Sylvie Morin, présidente du RFNB, [email protected] ; Tél. : (506) 737-5050 poste 5130.

Campagne "L'équité salariale: J'y crois. Je donne!" – La campagne de financement annuelle de la Coalition pour l'équité salariale du Nouveau-Brunswick bat son plein. Contribuez en ligne à www.equite-equity.com (cliquez sur "Faites un don" en haut à droite) ou par la poste au 51, rue Williams, Moncton, N.-B., E1C 2G6. La campagne est maintenant la seule source de financement pour le travail de revendication de la Coalition. L'équité salariale est un salaire égal pour un travail de valeur égale.

Projet de leadership pour les filles et les jeunes femmes – Le projet Préparer la réussite des filles et des jeunes femmes est à la recherche de jeunes femmes francophones de 19 à 25 ans désireuses d'explorer le leadership féminin dans le cadre d'un nouveau projet novateur dans la région du Grand Moncton. Par le biais de la photographie, les participantes exploreront le concept du leadership en prenant des photos qui illustrent ou représentent leurs idées, leurs expériences et leur compréhension du leadership féminin. Les photos serviront de point de départ pour lancer des idées d'actions communautaires. Pour plus d'information, veuillez communiquer avec Barbara Aubie au (506) 858-1303 poste 3304, ou encore par courriel à [email protected].

Subventions pour la prévention du crime dans les collectivités accepte actuellement les demandes de financement – L'Association de la prévention du crime du Nouveau-Brunswick accepte actuellement les demandes de financement sous le Programme de subvention de projet local de prévention du crime. Cette possibilité de financement revêt la forme d'une subvention pouvant atteindre 1000 $ offert aux collectivités admissibles et visant des initiatives de prévention du crime au Nouveau-Brunswick. Prière de communiquer avec [email protected] pour des renseignements supplémentaires et pour obtenir un formulaire de demande.

Travailleuses et travailleurs au salaire minimum, N.-B., 2011

La plupart des travailleurs au salaire minimum au Nouveau-Brunswick sont des femmes. En 2011, plus de 6 de 10 (64%) des personnes percevant le salaire minimum étaient des femmes.  La majorité des travailleuses, et, pour la première fois en 2011, la majorité des travailleurs au salaire minimum, avaient 20 ans ou plus.

Visitez le Profil Égalité
et envoyez-nous vos commentaires ICI



10 février 2014 – A l'ouverture lundi de sa nouvelle session de travail, le Comité pour l'élimination de la discrimination à l'égard des femmes (CEDAW) a appelé à redoubler d'efforts pour assurer que l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes soit intégrée dans les objectifs de développement pour la période post-2015.

« Nous pensons qu'il faudrait établir un objectif entièrement consacré à l'égalité des genres et un objectif pour la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination, y compris la discrimination basée sur le genre », a déclaré la Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme, Navi Pillay, à l'ouverture de la 57ème session de la CEDAW à Genève.

Mme Pillay a également appelé au renforcement de l'ensemble des organes conventionnels afin de pouvoir faire face aux retards constatés, au manque chronique de ressources et à un manquement dans les obligations de rendre compte des progrès réalisés. « Si nous n'agissons pas immédiatement pour trouver des solutions à ces problèmes, le système des organes conventionnels risque de s'effondrer », a-t-elle prévenu.

Les organes conventionnels des droits de l'homme sont des comités d'experts indépendants qui surveillent la mise en œuvre des principaux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme. Chaque État partie à un traité a l'obligation de prendre des mesures pour assurer que chaque individu bénéficie de ses droits.

Mme Pillay a cependant rendu hommage aux réalisations du CEDAW au cours des trois dernières décennies. « La lutte a été longue, et il me semble que nous devons prendre le temps d'apprécier nos réalisations au lieu de nous lamenter de nos difficultés et problèmes ». … Suite http://bit.ly/1hsTlXB



FREDERICTON (GNB) – Un nouveau programme provincial visant à améliorer les soins fournis aux femmes enceintes et aux nourrissons a été lancé.

Le ministre de la Santé, Hugh Flemming, en a fait l'annonce, aujourd'hui, à l'Assemblée législative.

Le programme de santé périnatale du Nouveau-Brunswick permettra de recueillir des données sur les naissances ainsi que sur la santé maternelle et des bébés. L'information portera sur le nombre de césariennes par rapport aux accouchements par voie vaginale, les taux d'admission à l'unité néonatale des soins intensifs et les services de dépistage prénatal. Ces renseignements seront analysés et utilisés pour la préparation de lignes directrices normalisées pour la santé maternelle et des nouveau-nés dans l'ensemble de la province.

« Les femmes enceintes et les nourrissons reçoivent déjà d'excellents soins dans les hôpitaux de la province, mais à l'heure actuelle, chaque établissement hospitalier est responsable de concevoir ses propres programmes de services prénataux et de soins aux nourrissons, a déclaré M. Flemming. Ce nouveau programme appuiera une approche plus uniforme aux soins offerts aux nouvelles mères et aux bébés naissants, peu importe le lieu de résidence dans la province. Il facilitera également la cueillette des données nécessaires pour évaluer les secteurs qui peuvent être améliorés et il permettra de mieux nous comparer aux autres provinces. »

Les domaines d'intérêt en particulier portent sur les taux de césariennes et d'admission à l'unité néonatale des soins intensifs. Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, les césariennes devraient représenter au plus cinq à 15 pour cent de toutes les naissances. Le taux de césariennes au Nouveau-Brunswick est en croissance et atteint aujourd'hui 28 pour cent.

À l'heure actuelle, ce ne sont pas tous les hôpitaux qui signalent les taux d'admission à l'unité néonatale des soins intensifs, et il n'existe aucun critère normalisé pour l'admission. Le programme permettra de mieux comprendre les taux de déficience congénitale et autres complications qui ont des répercussions sur la santé des nouveau-nés. Des stratégies pourront ainsi être élaborée pour traiter ces enjeux.

« Je remercie les médecins Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, Frank Sanderson et Kim Butt, la Société médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick, l'Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Nouveau-Brunswick, les régies régionales de la santé et les nombreux autres intervenants pour leurs efforts en vue d'améliorer la santé des mères et des bébés grâce à la mise sur pied de ce programme, a affirmé M. Flemming. Ce groupe de personnes a travaillé d'arrache-pied et de façon soutenue sur cette initiative, et je m'en voudrais de ne pas souligner leurs efforts. »

Le comité consultatif périnatal du Nouveau-Brunswick a été créé pour fournir des conseils et un soutien dans la préparation du programme, qui devrait débuter au printemps 2014. http://bit.ly/1mJbHJh



Le gouvernement du Québec en appelle du jugement rendu le 22 janvier dernier par la Cour supérieure, déclarant invalides, inapplicables et inopérantes deux dispositions de la réforme de 2009 de la Loi sur l'équité salariale.

Le procureur général et ministre de la Justice, Bertrand St-Arnaud, soutient que ce jugement comporte des erreurs de faits et de droit qui doivent être revues par la Cour d'appel.

L'une des provisions déclarées inconstitutionnelles par le juge Édouard Martin touche les emplois à prédominance féminine, qui sont assujettis à la Loi sur l'équité salariale.

Ces emplois doivent être révisés à tous les cinq ans afin de déterminer s'ils ont subi des changements qui justifient un ajustement salarial.

Or, la réforme de 2009 permettait à un employeur d'effectuer de tels changements au début d'une période de cinq ans sans qu'il n'ait à verser l'ajustement rétroactivement au moment des modifications à l'emploi.

La rétroactivité ne s'appliquait qu'au moment de la révision de tâche.

Le juge Martin a notamment conclu que l'absence de rétroactivité dans de telles circonstances, puisqu'elle s'applique à des emplois à prédominance féminine, représente « une source de discrimination fondée sur le sexe ».

Le jugement de la Cour supérieure exige également du législateur qu'il oblige les employeurs à mieux informer les travailleuses sur la manière dont a été effectuée la révision quinquennale de leur emploi. http://huff.to/1cqvymJ



C'est le rêve qui nous fait avancer, mais on n'avance pas en rêvant.
– René Lévesque, ancien premier ministre du Québec.



[email protected]
Sans frais : 1-877-253-0266
télécopieur : (506) 453-7977

Women Femmes NB
est publié deux fois par mois par la Direction de l'égalité des femmes du gouvernement provincial. Il diffuse des nouvelles sur les questions d’égalité - des événements, des rapports, des initiatives et des renseignements nous provenant des groupes de femmes, des gouvernements, des universités et autres.

**Les textes fournis par des organismes non gouvernementaux seront publiés dans la ou les langues dans lesquelles ils nous sont fournis.




















































































Women Femmes NB
February 28, 2014







Nominations are being sought for the 27th annual New Brunswick Human Rights Award. The deadline for nominations is April 1.

The New Brunswick Human Rights Commission established the award to recognize outstanding effort, achievement or leadership on a volunteer basis by individuals or organizations in the promotion of equality and human rights in New Brunswick.

The award was founded in 1988 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is presented annually to commemorate New Brunswick Human Rights Day, Sept. 15.

Last year's recipient was John Wood of Oromocto.

The nomination form and information about the nomination process are available at the commission's website or by telephone at 1-888-471-2233.


Information on the New Brunswick Human Rights Award

Nomination form for the New Brunswick Human Rights Award:



International Women's Day WEB Open House, Fredericton – Everyone is invited to an Open House to celebrate International Women's Day, Friday March 7, 2014, 2pm to 4pm at the Women's Equality Branch office, 551 King St, Suite A, Fredericton. Refreshments served. Come meet staff, learn about our publications & programs, & celebrate the day! www.gnb.ca/women

What Are You Doing For March 8? - International Women's Day (IWD) has been celebrated for over 100 years and it remains a popular day for events reflecting on the achievements and aspirations of women. Tell us what event you are planning and we'll publicize it on our website:  [email protected]; 1-877-253-0266; 453-8126; www.gnb.ca/women

A virtual free event uniting E&T women around the world! March 5 - Advice from the Top - A rare look at what's ahead from executive women in engineering and technology. March 6 - Gaining Momentum - Moving from vision to action and thriving as an engineer. March 7 - Inspire Yourself. Inspire Others. - Amazing stories of women in engineering and technology who are changing the world. For more information visit: www.discovere.org/our-programs/global-marathon

Conference exploring topics in leadership, empowerment and entrepreneurship; in honor of International Women's Day, Saint John It's important that local businesses and organizations participate and support events like this in order to continue to move forward and build True Growth Strategies in Southern New Brunswick. join us in recognizing our paths on March 6 and 7. Please visit the link for details http://on.fb.me/1ldDRKF

A Workshop on Understanding and Creating Gender Inclusive Workplaces – The Canadian Centre for Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology will deliver a half day workshop for leaders in science, engineering, and tech based organizations. An interactive workshop module designed to increase awareness of the factors that influence the success of women in their organizations. NBCC Moncton 1234 Mountain Road, Moncton. March 7, 2014, 8AM – 12:30PM Breakfast provided. Register at www.genderinclusiveworkshop.eventbrite.ca Cost: $185 per participant Inquiries: 506.444.2444 or [email protected] Managers Workshop Flyer.

International Women's Day, Saint John – March 7, 2014 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Delta Brunswick Hotel (Mezzanine). Participate in interactive workshops that will apply a gender lens to topics in entrepreneurship, leadership and empowerment. Keynote speaker Paula Morand, skill-building workshops, panel discussions and more. For more details contact Erin Gallagher at the Saint John Community Loan Fund: (506)652-5601; [email protected] . To purchase tickets: (Cost: $75). http://bit.ly/1dnHEfw

Charlotte County Abuse Prevention Network will be hosting a coffee break to recognize International Women's Day It will be held at our local radio station ‘98.1 The Tide'.  This will be taking place on Friday March 7th from 10:30-Noon.  There will be light refreshments, information, and door prizes.  All are welcome to join us! For more information contact Kelly Kurtz-Johnson at Fundy Region Transition House, Inc. (506) 466-4485

CFUW Moncton will be hosting a lunch meeting on March 8th Guest Speaker: Shawna McGee speaking on her thesis topic - "Injustices in the Household". For more information, call/email Karen 533-9839, [email protected] .

The Fredericton YMCA and Fredericton Regional Resource Network are pleased to host a partial screening of “Half the Sky” March 8, 2014 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. A documentary series on global oppression of women and girls. There will be a community panel along with the audience discussing issues facing women and girls in our region after the film. This event is intended for a mature audience only as the film and discussion content is unsuitable for young children. There are a limited number of spaces so please RSVP in order to reserve a seat by e-mail with [email protected]

International Women's Day - The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity and the Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick would like to invite you to a special event on International Women's Day, March 8th. Our event, entitled  «Equality for women benefits everyone», will be held at the Delta Beausejour in Moncton, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Lunch will be served. Tickets are on sale for 25$ at Reads on Main St. or on Mountain Rd. You can also purchase your tickets online at   www.rfnb.ca   by clicking on the «Faire un don» button. For more information you can contact Chloé Boudreau: [email protected]

International Women's Week - March 10-15 Reclaiming your authentic Self Workshop, Mother-Daughter Evening, Strech for Success and many more. For more information or to register call 422-3352.

Changing Ways : A Program for Aggressive Men, Fredericton – Learn ways of interacting effectively with everyone in your life! This group meets from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Monday evenings from March 10 to May 12, 2014 at 356 Queen Street.  The program is sponsored by the Department of Social Development and free to participants. Please register by February 28. For more information and to register, contact Family Enrichment at (506) 458-8211 or [email protected] .

Changing Tides: A Program for Women, Fredericton – Learn about interacting with the challenging people in your life! This group meets from 6:30 to 9:00 pm on Wednesday evenings from March 12 to April 30. Location: 356 Queen Street.  The program is sponsored by the Department of Social Development and free to participants. For more information and to register, contact Family Enrichment at (506) 458-8211 or [email protected] .

Bread & Roses with Alex Bailey Swing Band: An International Women's Day Event, Workers' Appreciation Night and Fundraiser for the NB Coalition for Pay Equity Thursday, March 13, 7:00pm-9:00pm. connexion ARC, 440 York St., Fredericton. Hear from workers affected by pay inequity in New Brunswick–childcare workers, home support workers, community residence (group home) workers and transition home workers. Workers in these sectors provide critical and compassionate care and in often stressful work environments. It's long overdue that they receive Bread and Roses–fair wages and dignified working conditions. Let's learn about their struggles and celebrate their work with food, drink and a night of swing dancing with Fredericton's favourite, the Alex Bailey Swing Band. Tickets: $10. Tickets on sale at Westminster Books and at the door. For more information, contact: [email protected] .

Fredericton Women's Show March15 at 10am until March 16th at 4pm. This will be the best girls day out. Come and be pampered, learn something new, or just relax and enjoy!!! Keep checking our website for up-to-date information. FREE ADMISSION! Accepting donations for Women In Transition House at the door! http://on.fb.me/1hWM59P

Nominations sought for Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award (Deadline, March 21, 2014) – The Award was created in 1992 to recognize outstanding contributions toward eliminating family violence . In the name of the recipient, the Foundation will make a donation to a registered charity of the recipient's choice, whose objectives further the goals of the Foundation. Individuals, organizations or corporations whose achievements have advanced the elimination of family violence are eligible for nomination. For additional information on application procedures, please contact: (506) 472-5085 [email protected]

Supporting Individuals Living with Violence - education and networking In a recent Community Needs Assessment carried out by the Sussex Committee for the Prevention of Family Violence, education and networking have been identified as key community concerns. The Sussex Chapter of the NBASW has adopted this as a focus for 2013-2014 and invited key stakeholders to join with us in planning a two day conference offered in the Sussex area on March 26 & 27, 2014. For more information www.accweb.ca

Support to Single Parents daytime and evening workshops, Moncton – (ALL PARENTS WELCOME! Not just for single parents) For program information, registration and/or subsidies call Debbie at (506) 858-1303   Ext 3302 or visit http://www.supporttosingleparents.ca/home.html. January 20th to May 27th.

Sexual Violence Prevention Facilitator Training, Fredericton, April 22-24 OR May 27-29, 2014 The Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre (FSACC) will be providing training this Spring on facilitating sexual violence prevention programs using The Empowerment Project (a toolkit used to train facilitators to deliver self-protection and assertiveness workshops to women and girls) and Man to Man (a toolkit for delivering workshops to men and boys about reducing sexual assault).  Participants can be community educators, teachers or guidance counsellors, or other service providers who work youth, young adults, or adults in the area of preventing sexual violence against women.   Cost: $100 (includes Toolkit). Contact Jenn Richard at [email protected] for more information and to register.

Sexual Violence Trauma Counselling Training, Fredericton, May 5-9, 2014 –  This is a 5-day training workshop designed to provide counsellors and therapists with in-depth, specialized training for working with women survivors of sexual violence. The workshop will present new research associated with counselling women survivors while drawing on the many years of experience found at the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre. Cost: $300 for government, private organizations/therapists; $200 for non-profit organizations (toolkit included).  Contact Lorraine Whalley at [email protected]   or 506.454.0460 for more information and to RSVP by March 28, 2014.

Fredericton Infertility Support Group – Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month (except July & August) at 1:00 p.m. in room 212 of MacLaggan Hall on UNB campus, Fredericton. There is no fee and parking is free on the week-ends.  For more information and directions, call 451-6846 or email [email protected] or [email protected] .

Volunteer and skill-building opportunity - Fredericton – Want to start up your own radio show, voice women's issues on the radio or volunteer behind the scenes? At CHSR, a non-profit, volunteer-run community radio station in Fredericton, we would love to increase the number of women who produce on-air programming, such as hosting a music or spoken word show. (Training for producing on-air shows and recording live material is provided, as well as a mentor to help create your very own radio show.) To find out more please contact our volunteer coordinator ([email protected] or 506-452-6053) or the women's representative ([email protected] ).


Minimum W age Workers, N.B., 2011

Most minimum wage workers in New Brunswick are women: in 2011, over 6 in 10 (64%) of all minimum wage earners were women.  The majority of female minimum wage workers (70%) were 20 or over , and, for the first time in 2011, the majority of male minimum wage workers (63%) were also aged 20 or over.


Visit the Equality Profile
and send us your feedback HERE

Brent Mazerolle Times & Transcript

In the old days, which admittedly weren't so long ago, it was fairly easy to recognize the wage gap between men and women. Many employers would once automatically pay men more than women for work of equal value.

These days, the inequities tend to be more subtle, but they are still there, says Marie-Claude Blais, the minister responsible for the Province of New Brunswick's Women's Equality Branch.

“Last year, for the first time, 51 per cent of working people in New Brunswick were women,” Blais said. However, “the jobs that they occupy tend to be low-paying jobs.”

Part of that is because the work women tend to do, such as child care or seniors care, doesn't seem to be valued as much by society. In theory at least, all of us would value our children over our cars, but in practice,“a parking attendant and the person who cares for your children all day can get the same salary. There's something wrong there, ”Blais said.

The wage gap “is the difference between the average wages earned by men and the average wages earned by women.”

Blais says the province's numbers show the situation has improved somewhat. In 2002, the gap between men and women was 21 per cent, that is, women made, on average, just $79 for every $100 earned by men.

 “In 2013 that was 11.4 per cent,” Blais said, meaning women on average now make about $89 for every $100 made by men. The main factors (behind the progress) is there are more women in the working world.”

There is strength in numbers, and it has also led to women better knowing their rights. The wage gap is not quite the same as pay equity. Employees doing the same job may be paid equally regardless of their gender in the same work place. There may still be a wage gap in that work place, because of gender based clustering of jobs, or policies that don't allow for the fact women still tend to bear a larger responsibility for child care and other household matters within families.

“Today women represent almost half the workforce but they are still expected to nurture the family and meet its needs, whether or not they work outside the home,” is how the Women's Equality Branch puts it.

Blais agreed that can be a part of the problem. This can result in a struggle to balance work and family responsibilities which is identified as a key contributor to the wage gap. Rachelle Gagnon, director of human resources at Assumption Life, a Moncton-based national company identified by the province as a success story in closing the wage gap, puts it well.

“It's a complex issue,” Gagnon said. “It's more than just a dollar figure. It comes down to workplace practices.”

Whatever the company's goals, there are still gender divisions that sort of come to them built into their pool of job applicants, and their roughly 250 employees – whose jobs are predominantly in Moncton and predominantly in customer service – happen to be about two-thirds female.

Family-friendly policies on things like parental leave make the company an attractive employer for both men and women, especially as more men are taking advantage of the chance these days to spend extra time at home when new babies come along.

“For us, it's important to recognize that people have lives outside of work too.”

While that's important at every age level to workers of both genders, Gagnon said it's also become a generational issue.

According to Statistics Canada findings, employees who believe in the idea of a “job for life” are on the decline. Today's employees average three careers and eight jobs over their career lifespan and the majority of employees do not work Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. They are demanding a work-life balance that employers need to accommodate if they want to increase retention, strengthen recruitment, lower absenteeism and improve workplace morale. http://bit.ly/1ccXvDT                          



FREDERICTON (GNB) – A new provincial program that aims to improve care for expectant mothers and babies is being launched.

Health Minister Hugh Flemming made the announcement in the legislative assembly today.

The New Brunswick Perinatal Health Program will gather information on births and maternal and newborn health such as the frequency of caesarian sections as compared to vaginal deliveries, neo-natal intensive care admission rates and prenatal screening tests. The information will be analyzed and used to develop standardized guidelines for maternal and newborn health care across the province.

“Expectant mothers and newborns are already receiving excellent care in the province's hospitals but at present, each hospital is responsible for developing its own prenatal and newborn care programs,” said Flemming. “This new program will support a more consistent approach to maternal and newborn care no matter where you live in the province. It will also provide the data required to evaluate areas for improvement and will allow us to better compare ourselves to other provinces.”

Particular areas of interest are caesarian section rates and neo-natal intensive care admission rates. The World Health Organization suggests that caesarian sections should be used in no more than five to 15 per cent of all births. Caesarian section rates have been increasing in New Brunswick and are now at 28 per cent.

Neo-natal intensive care admission rates are not currently being reported by every hospital in the province and there is no standard criteria for admission. The program will provide an opportunity to better understand the rates of birth defects and other complications that impact the health of newborns so that strategies can be developed to address these areas.

“I thank Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, Dr. Frank Sanderson, Dr. Kim Butt, the New Brunswick Medical Society, the Nurses Association of New Brunswick, the regional health authorities and the many other stakeholders for their dedication to improving the health of mothers and babies through the establishment of this program,” said Flemming. “This group has worked tirelessly to advance this cause and I commend them for their efforts.”

The New Brunswick Perinatal Advisory Committee has been established to provide advice and support the work of the program. The program is expected to begin in the spring of 2014. http://bit.ly/1lnStqU



10 February 2014 – The United Nations committee mandated to ensure compliance with the global treaty to end all forms of discrimination against women opened a new session today with a call for gender equality to be fully integrated into the post-2015 agenda.

“We believe there should be a stand-alone goal or goals on equality and non-discrimination that addresses all kinds of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said at the opening of the 57th Session of Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) being held in Geneva until 28 February.

The UN is currently formulating a new post-2015 agenda to chart the course of global development for decades to come, expanding on the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) adopted at a UN summit in 2000, which aim to slash extreme hunger and poverty, cut maternal and infant mortality, combat disease and provide access to universal education and health care, all by the end of 2015.

Ms. Pillay also called for the overall strengthening of treaty bodies to meet the triple challenge of a significant backlog, chronic under-resourcing and insufficient compliance with reporting obligations. “If no prompt action is taken to rectify these problems, the treaty body system is threatened with collapse,” she warned.

But she also paid tribute to what CEDAW has managed to achieve over the past three decades. “The struggle has been long, and it seems to me that, rather than just mulling over our setbacks or assessing the challenges ahead, we too rarely pause to appreciate our accomplishments along the way,” she said.

Continued: http://bit.ly/1gFtEkr



My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens
when you haven't been home in 18 years.
- Lee Trevino, U.S. golfer.


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Women Femmes NB
is sent out twice a month by the provincial government Women's Equality Branch. It provides news related to equality issues, including events, studies, initiatives and information from women's groups, governments, universities, etc.

**Text from non-governmental sources will be published in the language(s) in which it is provided.






























































































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